Purchasing: Team Dynamix - How to Navigation Team Dynamix

Background Information

Team Dynamix is Enterprise’s ticket management system used to submit and track tickets relating to team member requests. The following Job Aide will show the basic navigation of a Team Dynamix dashboard and how to search for a Team Dynamix ticket.

Logging Into Team Dynamix

  1. Navigate to Team Dynamix via a Windows Desktop or The Source.
    • Desktop: Select the Start Menu. Then, select the Submit a Ticket tile.
    • Source: Navigate to The Source. Then, select the Web Apps drop-down menu and select TeamDynamix Administration.
  2. From the home screen, select Users. This will automatically sign you in.
  3. A pending items window appears. Select the X to close out of this window.

Navigating the Team Dynamix User Desktop View

The Purchasing Desktop View includes a few categories:

  • All Open Purchasing Item Requests
    • Open tickets to be worked on and/or updated are found here.
  • Closed Purchasing Item Requests – 7 Days
    • Closed tickets over the last 7 days can be found here.
  • Tickets Awaiting Approval
    • Tickets awaiting approval can be found here.
  • My Assigned Tickets
    • Tickets directly assigned to your name can be found here.
  • My Assigned Ticket Tasks
    • Ticket tasks directly assigned to your name can be found here.

Opening & Reviewing a Team Dynamix Ticket

  1. From any category, select the ID # or Title to open a ticket.
  2. The ticket opens in a new window.
  3. The ticket is divided into several sections and tabs. Each tab at the top of a ticket will display a different part of a ticket. Select a tab to review that part of a ticket:
    • General Tab
      • This is the main screen of the ticket. All ticket details, including the requestor, the responsible party, important dates, comments, attachments and more are located here.
    • Tasks/Activities Tab
      • Any specific tasks assigned to certain team members are located here.
    • People
      • Any team member associated with the ticket will be listed here.
    • Read By
      • Any team member who has opened and reviewed the ticket will be listed here.

Opening & Reviewing a Team Dynamix Ticket

Comments can be added at the bottom of a ticket or a task by selecting Comment. Enter comments to communicate information to your fellow team members about the ticket. To add a comment:

  1. Open a ticket or task within a ticket.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and locate the Feeds section.
  3. Select Comment.
  4. A new field appears. From this new field:
    • Keep the checkbox enabled to make comments private (only visible to Purchasing – ticket users).
    • If you’d like to send an email notification to a fellow team member about your comment, enter a team member’s name in the Notify field and select their name.
      • Selecting the drop-down menu on the far right will also bring up a list of team member names associated with the ticket. Select their name to add them to the Notify field.
    • In the body of the comment, enter any necessary information.
    • Select Save.

Searching for a Team Dynamix Ticket

Search for a ticket in Team Dynamix using a ticket ID or by entering key words into the Search field.

  1. Located in the top right corner of the screen is the Search field. Enter a ticket ID or key word into the Search field.
  2. Select the magnifying glass icon or hit Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Results will appear automatically. Select the ticket you are looking for based off what you entered in the Search field.


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