Background Information
Team Dynamix is Enterprise’s ticket management system used to submit and track tickets relating to team member requests. The following Job Aide will show the basic navigation of a Team Dynamix dashboard and how to search for a Team Dynamix ticket.
Logging Into Team Dynamix
- Navigate to Team Dynamix via a Windows Desktop or The Source.
- Desktop: Select the Start Menu. Then, select the Submit a Ticket tile.
- Source: Navigate to The Source. Then, select the Web Apps drop-down menu and select TeamDynamix Administration.
- From the home screen, select Users. This will automatically sign you in.
- A pending items window appears. Select the X to close out of this window.
Navigating the Team Dynamix User Desktop View
The Purchasing Desktop View includes a few categories:
- All Open Purchasing Item Requests
- Open tickets to be worked on and/or updated are found here.
- Closed Purchasing Item Requests – 7 Days
- Closed tickets over the last 7 days can be found here.
- Tickets Awaiting Approval
- Tickets awaiting approval can be found here.
- My Assigned Tickets
- Tickets directly assigned to your name can be found here.
- My Assigned Ticket Tasks
- Ticket tasks directly assigned to your name can be found here.
Opening & Reviewing a Team Dynamix Ticket
- From any category, select the ID # or Title to open a ticket.
- The ticket opens in a new window.
- The ticket is divided into several sections and tabs. Each tab at the top of a ticket will display a different part of a ticket. Select a tab to review that part of a ticket:
- General Tab
- This is the main screen of the ticket. All ticket details, including the requestor, the responsible party, important dates, comments, attachments and more are located here.
- Tasks/Activities Tab
- Any specific tasks assigned to certain team members are located here.
- People
- Any team member associated with the ticket will be listed here.
- Read By
- Any team member who has opened and reviewed the ticket will be listed here.
Opening & Reviewing a Team Dynamix Ticket
Comments can be added at the bottom of a ticket or a task by selecting Comment. Enter comments to communicate information to your fellow team members about the ticket. To add a comment:
- Open a ticket or task within a ticket.
- Scroll to the bottom and locate the Feeds section.
- Select Comment.
- A new field appears. From this new field:
- Keep the checkbox enabled to make comments private (only visible to Purchasing – ticket users).
- If you’d like to send an email notification to a fellow team member about your comment, enter a team member’s name in the Notify field and select their name.
- Selecting the drop-down menu on the far right will also bring up a list of team member names associated with the ticket. Select their name to add them to the Notify field.
- In the body of the comment, enter any necessary information.
- Select Save.
Searching for a Team Dynamix Ticket
Search for a ticket in Team Dynamix using a ticket ID or by entering key words into the Search field.
- Located in the top right corner of the screen is the Search field. Enter a ticket ID or key word into the Search field.
- Select the magnifying glass icon or hit Enter on your keyboard.
- Results will appear automatically. Select the ticket you are looking for based off what you entered in the Search field.
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