Green Hippo - Downloading & Uploading Content to Rotunda

Background Information

This Job Aide will review the steps for downloading and uploading content from the Green Hippo LED device to the Rotunda.

Downloading New Content

  1. Using a file folder window, navigate to the shared Marketing folder at this path address:
  2. (M:\Multimedia\___ROTUNDA-LED\SALES_ClientLogos\)
  3. Once there, find the client folder needed, open it, then open the (_Exports) folder.
  4. Next, copy the .mov file to the Sandisk hard drive that is found hanging in the supervisor’s cubicle.

NOTE: If you don’t see the .mov file type, your folder view settings may not be set up correctly. The needed file will say it’s a QuickTime Movie. The Mp4 will not work with the GreenHippos.

Uploading New Content

  1. Head to IDF 1.4, find the Karst MK2 unit (Smaller unit on top,) and plug the hard drive into a USB port on the face of the Hippo as seen in the attached pdf. (Again, be sure to plug into the smaller Karst unit).
  2. Next if not already done, plug the monitor cart into power on the wall, and connect the data line to the remote receiver behind the rack by swapping it with the patch line that leads upstairs.
  3. Once you have an image on the screen be sure that you’re in the Zookeeper app. If you are in Zookeeper, skip to step 4.
    • If you are not in the Zookeeper app, bring the window up using the upper arrow icon on the task bar (see image). Zookeeper is set up to auto launch with the PC and Engine.
    • If Zookeeper is not open, use the Hippo Launcher as seen below to start the Zookeeper app. The button will say Start Zookeeper instead of Shutdown if the app is not already running.
  4. Once in Zookeeper, navigate to the Media Manager window, which can be accessed on the left of the screen with the Media Manager icon. Once there, it will look like the image in the attached pdf.
  5. First, be sure to click on the Karst-52049 unit on the left panel and highlight it green like the image in the attached pdf, as this is the main unit to work from.
  6. Select Upload Files in the top right corner; this will open a file window. Locate the Sandisk drive from the drive list on the left panel of the window and open the .mov file you’re adding.
    • NOTE: The clipboard icon on the bottom left will show upload percent status. Unfortunately, it does not give an estimated completion time.
  7. Once the file has been uploaded, click and drag it over Slot Bank #4 which will update the bank to run the new content file. (Slot Bank #4 is for Marketing, DO NOT OVERWRITE ANY OTHER BANKS.)
    • NOTE: The content file may not be in the same location in the image in the attached pdf. The manager lists the files in alphabetical order.
  8. Once it shows the new content in bank #4, click the Sync icon at the top of the screen.
  9. In the sync window, make sure that the target media manager (Boreal unit) has been selected with the toggle switch which should be green. When ready, click Sync Now to copy the media to the Boreal unit.
  10. Once the sync has completed, check the Boreal unit by clicking it in the left panel, and once you have confirmed that the content is on both units, the upload has been completed.
    • NOTE: If the sync doesn’t copy the file from the Karst unit over to the Boreal unit, you can manually upload it directly to the Boreal. Start by plugging in the hard drive to the Boreal unit and then highlight the Boreal unit in the Zookeeper app. Select Upload File. You should see the Sandisk hard drive listed. Follow the upload steps, and once the file has been uploaded, there is no need to sync it.


  • If the upload fails – try re-downloading it from the shared Marketing folder.
  • If the re-downloaded file fails again – contact Steven Shultz and let him know the file is bad or corrupted.
  • If you run into issues downloading the file – contact Steven Shultz to see if he can provide the file directly.
  • If unable to access the shared Marketing folder – contact Fletcher Hickey so he can request access.
  • Issues with the Hippo Units – escalate to Tech 3 for troubleshooting.


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