Background Information
The following Job Aide details the steps to follow when issuing a W2G or 1042S to new or existing players.
Issuing Forms for a New Player
- From a desktop, launch and open CMP.
- Enter the appropriate credentials and select Submit.
- Navigate to the Directory Search window.
- In the topmost search bar, type “/W2G”
- Press F3 and the Setup Player Account window opens.
- Select Submit. A New Player Account window opens.
- Enter all information in each tab to complete the guest’s account (i.e. Address Tab & Identification Tab).
- In the Address Tab, the physical address is required. PO Boxes are not acceptable.
- In the Identification Tab, the 1st ID is going to be the valid photo identification provided by the guest. The 2nd ID & Tax will be the Social Security Number or ITIN Number of the guest.
- Remember to obtain a W-9 / 1042S.
- Once all information is entered, select Submit.
- Proceed to process tax forms by following the steps above to search for the guest again by name or account number. Then, follow step 6 in the next section.
- NOTE – On occasion, you may encounter duplicate accounts for guests. To find the account to use for a taxable jackpot, search for the guest, select the History Tab. If there is taxable history, you may use this account. Notate both account numbers and notify a member of Slot Management to merge the accounts.
Issuing Forms for an Existing Player
- Follow steps 1-3 in previous section.
- Search for the Player Account in the Player Window.
- Select the Player Account.
- Press F7 to issue a W2G.
- Select the Identification Tab to verify the guest information has been entered correctly.
- Select the Tax Form tab. Add the following information:
- Document – enter the last 4 digits of jackpot number from slip.
- WagerLocn – enter the Location of the slot machine (i.e. M05690(CAZ) or I014592(TSR)).
- Wager – enter the denomination of the machine.
- Gross Win – enter the jackpot amount.
- Select Submit.
After completing the Tax Form tab, check Payouts within appropriate parameters.
- Complete steps 1-6 above in the Existing Players section.
- Select Pay Method.
- Verify the Payout Amounts and add the Check Number if applicable.
- Select Submit.
- Add the Check Amount and Check Number in the Remarks text box.
- Select Submit.
If you select Issue W2G/1042S and there is a dialogue box that opens, stating, “No pending taxable jackpots found for this player,” follow the following steps to assign the jackpot:
- Within the dialogue box, select OK.
- In the next window, click Select Jackpot.
- In the upper left-hand corner of the screen, select the Account drop-down menu and select “-10”
- Find the desired jackpot from the search display, ensuring the amount, machine number, etc. are correct.
- Select Submit.
- Proceed as normal.
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