CMP - Issuing a W2G or 1042S for New & Existing Players

Tags CMP 1042S W2G

Background Information

The following Job Aide details the steps to follow when issuing a W2G or 1042S to new or existing players.

Issuing Forms for a New Player

  1. From a desktop, launch and open CMP.
  2. Enter the appropriate credentials and select Submit.
  3. Navigate to the Directory Search window.
  4. In the topmost search bar, type “/W2G
  5. Press F3 and the Setup Player Account window opens.
  6. Select Submit. A New Player Account window opens.
  7. Enter all information in each tab to complete the guest’s account (i.e. Address Tab & Identification Tab).
  8. In the Address Tab, the physical address is required. PO Boxes are not acceptable.
  9. In the Identification Tab, the 1st ID is going to be the valid photo identification provided by the guest. The 2nd ID & Tax will be the Social Security Number or ITIN Number of the guest.
    • Remember to obtain a W-9 / 1042S.
  10. Once all information is entered, select Submit.
  11. Proceed to process tax forms by following the steps above to search for the guest again by name or account number. Then, follow step 6 in the next section.
  12. NOTE – On occasion, you may encounter duplicate accounts for guests. To find the account to use for a taxable jackpot, search for the guest, select the History Tab. If there is taxable history, you may use this account. Notate both account numbers and notify a member of Slot Management to merge the accounts.

Issuing Forms for an Existing Player

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in previous section.
  2. Search for the Player Account in the Player Window.
  3. Select the Player Account.
  4. Press F7 to issue a W2G.
  5. Select the Identification Tab to verify the guest information has been entered correctly.
  6. Select the Tax Form tab. Add the following information:
    • Document – enter the last 4 digits of jackpot number from slip.
    • WagerLocn – enter the Location of the slot machine (i.e. M05690(CAZ) or I014592(TSR)).
    • Wager – enter the denomination of the machine.
    • Gross Win – enter the jackpot amount.
  7. Select Submit.

After completing the Tax Form tab, check Payouts within appropriate parameters.

  1. Complete steps 1-6 above in the Existing Players section.
  2. Select Pay Method.
  3. Verify the Payout Amounts and add the Check Number if applicable.
  4. Select Submit.
  5. Add the Check Amount and Check Number in the Remarks text box.
  6. Select Submit.

If you select Issue W2G/1042S and there is a dialogue box that opens, stating, “No pending taxable jackpots found for this player,” follow the following steps to assign the jackpot:

  1. Within the dialogue box, select OK.
  2. In the next window, click Select Jackpot.
  3. In the upper left-hand corner of the screen, select the Account drop-down menu and select “-10
  4. Find the desired jackpot from the search display, ensuring the amount, machine number, etc. are correct.
  5. Select Submit.
  6. Proceed as normal.


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