Item Price Inquiry
Many items purchased by Casino Arizona change prices based on market conditions. In order to procure the best pricing for the Casino, the Purchasing Department solicits bids from outside vendors. To view the agreed upon bid pricing from a vendor for a specific item, follow the steps below:
- Type PIBID in the Search Field / Command Prompt OR select Purchase > Vendor Price Bids > Item Price Inquiry. Both methods take you to the same location.
- Search for items by entering the Item # directly into the Item Number field OR selecting the launch icon to the right of the Item Number field. After launching:
- Search for an item by using any feature: Description 1, Description 2, Group, Sub Group, Class, or UPC Code.
- Selecting that specific item.
- Select Search Items.
- Select Search.
- The item number and item description appear in the Search field.
- The Preferred Vendor appears to the far right of the Search field.
- The item details from the last time the item was purchased will populate underneath the Last Purchase section. This includes:
- Document Type, Document Number, and Document Date
- Vendor (which vendor the item was last purchased from)
- Price & U/M
- Quantity
- Hyperlinked Document Icon (select to review the Last Document associated with the last purchase of the item)
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