SWS - Purchase Requisition Entry

Creating a Purchase Requisition

Whenever supplies or services are ordered from an external vendor, a Purchase Requisition must be created. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Type PUREQ in Search Field / Command Prompt OR select Requisition>Purchase>Purchase Requisition Entry.
  2. Enable toggle towards Requisition unless already defaulted to Requisition.
  3. Select the Plus Icon (+) to create a requisition.
  4. Select Charge Department drop-down to select a charge department.
  5. Add Items within the Item Details section. To add an item:
    • Select the Add Item / plus icon (+) in the bottom left corner of the screen.
    • Select Add Items.
    • From the Add Items screen, you can search and add for items in various ways:
      • Description 1: enter text here to search for the text in the first line of the item description.
      • Description 2: enter text here to search for the text in the second line of the item description.
      • And/Or: Toggling between And or OR allows you to search for the text entered in Description 1 and/or Description 2.
      • Multiline: Select the Multiline checkbox to search for the text mentioned in the Description 1 and Description 2 fields.
      • Group: Select the group from the drop-down list.
      • Subgroup: Select the subgroup from the drop-down list.
      • Class: Select the class from the drop-down list.
      • Item #: Enter the unique line item number.
    • Select Search.
    • The items are displayed in the Item Product Class Browse section. Select the checkbox for your preferred product class. The items that belong to the selected product class are displayed in the Section Items section.
    • Select the checkbox for the desired item(s) underneath the Select Items section.
    • Select Add Items. The Added Items are then displayed in the Purchase Requisition Entry under the Item Details section.
  6. Enter the Quantity for an item under the Quantity section. To adjust an item quantity:
    • Select the zero to adjust the quantity by manually typing the number or utilizing the navigational arrows.
    • Click away from the field. The quantity is automatically updated.
  7. Select Save.
  8. Price can be adjusted if the user has the appropriate access to do so. Enter the Price of an item under the Price section unless it automatically populates after saving the document. To adjust an item’s price:
    • Select the zero to adjust the price by manually entering the price of the item.
    • Click away from the field. The price is automatically updated.
  9. Select Save.
  10. After all items have been added, review the Purchase Requisition for any additional updates, such as item descriptions, vendor names, etc. When ready, select Submit to submit the Purchase Requisition for approval. An email will automatically be sent to the individual responsible for approving the requisition.

Modifying the Description of an Item & Vendor Name

Anytime a Misc. category item is added to a requisition, the item description must be modified to provide more detail. Follow the steps below to modify an item description:

  1. Once a Misc item line is added to an order, select the ellipses (three dots icon) to open an additional menu for that line item.
    • Select External Description.
    • Delete default text and enter text description of that item.
    • Select Apply.
    • Select Save. The item line will automatically update the item description based on text entered in the External Description menu.
  2. Once a Misc item line is added to an order, select the ellipses (three dots icon) to open an additional menu for that line item.
    • Select Detail.
    • Within the Description field, delete default text and enter text description of that item.
    • Select Save in this window.
    • Select Save in the Purchase Requisition. The item line will automatically update the item description based on text entered in the Detail menu.

Vendor names can also be updated:

  1. Select the ellipses (three dots icon) to open an additional menu for that line item. Select Detail.
    • Within the Item Vendor field, delete any default text and replace it with your own. Select the magnifying glass to search for Vendor.
    • If the vendor name is found, the Item Vendor line will automatically populate.
    • If the vendor name is not found automatically, an additional window appears with vendor names that best matches the text entered in the field (enter less text to broaden your search). Select the desired vendor name. The Item Vendor line will automatically populate.
    • Select Save in this window.
  2. Select Save in the Purchase Requisition.

Adding Comments & Remarks

If additional notes need to be added to a requisition, they may be created as Comments or Remarks. Comments will print directly on the Purchase Order (PO) and are seen by the vendor. Remarks are only visible to Casino Arizona employees and printed on the Warehouse copy of requisitions. Comments and Remarks can be added on any document that has the Comment or Remark icon.


  1. From an applicable document, such as a Purchase or Inventory Requisition, select the Comment icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Delete the default text before adding your own comments you want to convey to the vendor. Details can include:
    • Invoice number
    • Your contact information
    • Special instructions
  3. Select Apply.
  4. Select Save.


  1. From an applicable document, such as a Purchase or Inventory Requisition, select the Remarks icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Delete the default text before adding your own remarks you want to convey internally to Casino Arizona employees. Details should include:
    • Location for delivery if different from the charge department
    • Detailed description of the item since the Description field of a line item has a character limit. The Remarks field allows you to add specifics on the item. For example:
      • Item Description field: Bonsai EverShred Cross-Cut Shredder
      • Internal Remarks field: Bonsai EverSHred C149-C 18-Sheet Heavy Duty Cross-Cut Paper/CD/CC Card Shredder, Black. Please deliver to {insert name here} at {insert property and location here}
  3. Select Apply.
  4. Select Save.


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