Green Hippo - Scheduling Content

Background Information

This Job Aide will review the steps for updating and/or swapping existing media content, adding additional media to playback, removing, or stopping content, as well as uploading new content and configuring its presets for the Green Hippo LED device.

Currently, the Marketing AV cat used for this process needs to be set up and run from the Main Entrance. Making changes to the video wall cannot be done remotely.

When uploading new content, the storage device containing the content must be plugged directly into the Main (Karst) Server down in the 1.4 IDF closet.

AV Cart Set Up

  1. Locate the Mobile AV Cart from the 1.4 IDF closet and transport it to the Main Entrance.
    • Closet is located on the 1st floor near the cash cage.
  2. Plug the Cat5 cable into top port # D7001 on the wall across from the Bell desk.
    • Plug is located in corner behind plant.
  3. Be sure to not leave the cable out in the walkway as it could be damaged by trollies.
  4. Start the PC on the cart. The Hippotizer software will automatically appear on the start of the PC.
  5. The last used screen will appear. Select the Green Hippo icon in the upper right corner to open the Zookeeper home screen.

Uploading New Content & Setting Content Presets

Follow the below steps to upload new content and set up its presets.

  1. From the Zookeeper home screen, select the Media tab, also known as the Media Manager tab.
    • Media Manager handles the upload, storage, and synchronization of the media between systems.
  2. Confirm that both servers are listed in the server/file directory panel located on the left of the workspace.
    • NOTE: Main servers are named Karst and Boreal.
  3. Confirm that the Root Folder is highlighted under the Karst Server in the left panel.
  4. When the Root Folder is highlighted, the available pre-loaded content will appear in the main workspace or Media Library on the screen as well as the running content already placed in the Media Map located at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Select Upload Files in the top right corner of the workspace.
  6. Locate the storage device and find the desired file. Select Open.
    • NOTE: The storage device is plugged into the Karst server down in the 1.4 IDF closet. The storage device will show up as an additional lettered drive on the PC file directory.
  7. Once the download of the file is complete, the content will appear in the Media Library.
  8. Select the Green Hippo icon in the upper, lefthand corner of the screen to navigate back to the home screen/Zookeeper page.
  9. Select the Mixes tab.
  10. Within the Mixes tab, confirm the Karst server is selected.
  11. Select the uploaded content from the Media Select area.
  12. Select the Preset Select tab just above the Media Select area.
  13. After selecting the Preset tab, a record button and other options will appear with a bank list.
    • NOTE: For employee use, presets have already been set up.
  14. Select Record. Then, select an empty preset space to save to a new preset slot.
    • NOTE: Once the preset is saved, be sure to confirm that the preset thumbnail shows all the colored circles; there should be seven in total. If any are missing, run the record process again as the last attempt did not finish correctly.
  15. Once completed, select the Boreal server, and repeat the steps 1 – 14 above in this section to ensure that the content is loaded onto both servers.
  16. Once both servers have the content, navigate back to the home screen / Zookeeper page.

Swapping Content

In most situations, when Marketing provides new content, IT will replace/swap out the currently playing content.

Follow the below steps to swap existing content in the Media Map.

  1. Navigate to the home page / Zookeeper screen.
  2. Select the Media tab, also known as the Media Manager tab.
  3. Select and hold the media file needed from the library. Drag the file down to the scene that is being replaced.
  4. Release/drop the new file over an existing file; it will automatically replace that content in that scene.
    • NOTE: Marketing Content is run from Scene 20. In most cases, swap content from this scene to change content. Replacing the content from a scene does not delete it from the library.
  5. Next, sync this change to the second server: Boreal.
    • NOTE: It is recommended to load, swap, or add content from the Karst server first and then sync to the Boreal server, as Karst is the main server.
  6. From the Zookeeper home screen, select the Media tab, also known as the Media Manager tab.
  7. Confirm that the Root Folder is highlighted.
  8. Select the Gear icon in the top-lefthand navigation panel to open sync options.
  9. Confirm and select the Sync tab from the top navigation panel.
  10. Select Sync Now.
  11. Double-check the Boreal server has been updated and shows the same content in the same scene as the Karst server in the Media Map.
    • NOTE: This will ensure that all sections of the Rotunda will play the same content.

Adding Additional Content

Follow the below steps to add additional existing content in the Media Map.

  1. Navigate to the home page / Zookeeper screen.
  2. Select and hold the media file needed from the library. Drag the file down to an empty scene.
  3. Release/drop the new file over an empty scene; it will automatically add that content in that scene.
  4. Repeat steps 4 – 10 in the “Swapping Content” section.

Time & Duration Set Up

Follow the below steps to set up the start time and duration for playback.

  1. Navigate to the home page / Zookeeper screen.
  2. Within the grid, select the button in the top left corner to select MultiController. This opens the Action Map page.
    • NOTE: The scenes are laid out in numerical order from top to bottom; the Karst server is first, and the Boreal server is second.
  3. Scroll down the Action Map to find the scene that has the swapped or new media file.
    • NOTE: In the Action Map, it’s suggested to name the scenes in the following format: Clip # - Server Name
      • Example: The 3rd scene down the list should be named “Clip 3 – Boreal
      • Remember, there are two listings for each clip due to the two servers.
  4. Clicking within the grey area of the scene will load Target Details for that content on the righthand panel.
  5. Within the Target Details panel, confirm that the Target Component selection is set to “Engine on Karst”.
  6. Then, confirm that the Preset Index option is set to the same number as the scene number. If not, change these items to the correct settings.
  7. Clicking on the Date Time Mapping in the scene will load the Trigger Options for the content on the righthand panel.
  8. Confirm that the Time Mapping Type drop-down menu is set to Recurring.
    • NOTE: For swapped content, this will already be set to Recurring. For added content, this will need to be updated.
  9. Update the Trigger Event Every option to the correct length of the media playback.
    • Example: Resort Media is 58s. Your swapped file is 28s. The Total Trigger Event time would be 86s.
  10. Confirm that the Rule Will Trigger option is set to Every Day.
  11. Confirm that the Starting From date shows the same FULL DATE as the rest of the current content. Adjust the time for when the clip will start playing.
    • NOTE: Dates on playing content must match or they will not play together. The date itself does not matter so long as they match. This function is for scheduling which is not needed for the Rotunda currently.
    • NOTE: It is recommended that when adding up total trigger time to make all clips 1 second shorter than their actual time to avoid transition anomalies. Marketing Content currently starts at 58 seconds.
  12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 of this section for both server scenes listed.
  13. After the content Trigger Time has been updated for both servers, confirm other media clips that are playing and update their Trigger Times on both servers, if needed.
  14. Watch the playback to confirm that the correct media is playing.
  15. If all sections of the Rotunda are not playing in time with one another, run the sync one last time. Syncing them again should correct this issue.

Stopping Or Removing Content

Follow the below steps to stop or remove content from playback.

  1. To STOP playback:
    • Navigate to the home page / Zookeeper screen.
    • Within the grid, select the button in the top left corner to select MultiController. This opens the Action Map page.
    • Locate the scene that will be stopped.
    • Select the Date Time Mapping in the scene to load the Trigger Options for the content on the righthand panel.
    • Select the Time Mapping Type drop-down menu and select One Time.
      • This will play the content one last time, then stop it.
  2. To REMOVE content:
    • Navigate to the home page / Zookeeper screen.
    • Select the Media tab, also known as the Media Manager tab.
    • The Media Library will appear to the right.
    • Locate the scene that will be removed.
    • Right-click scene and select Remove.
      • This action will only remove the scene from the available scenes list in the Action Map.
      • Do not delete content off the servers without permission.
  3. For both situations, ensure to adjust Trigger Times if needed.
    • NOTE: Removing or stopping content in the middle of playback will need Trigger Times adjusted or it will show a blank screen where the content has been stopped or removed.


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