Background Information
SafePointe’s Security System allows you to continuously screen for concealed weapons without disrupting traffic flow, with no visible operator, and no additional security force. This Job Aide reviews the process of testing alerts using Safepointe’s Security System.
Testing Green Alerts
- Log into a Desktop Computer.
- Open a Google Chrome web browser.
- Navigate and login to SafePointe using the following link:
- Select Notifications at the top of the page.
- Advise test subject, carrying a minimal amount of metal, to trigger the security sensor.
- Review as test subject walks through each entrance to confirm the channel is showing a green notification/alert.
- If the unarmed test subject receives a yellow notification/alert, retest that specific channel one more time.
- If the results continue to be yellow instead of green, send the channel, time, and date of the incident to:
Testing Yellow, Orange, or Red Alerts
- Follow steps 1-3 in previous section.
- Select Alerts at the top of the page.
- Advise test subject to trigger the security sensor.
- Review as test subject walks through each entrance to confirm the channel is showing a yellow, orange, or red notification/alert.
- If the armed test subject does not trigger an alert, retest that channel one more time.
- If there is still no alert, send the channel, time, and date of the incident to:
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