SecureLink - Connecting to a Remote Desktop

Background Information

The SecureLink application is a secure access-management system that allows users to remote-access our Enterprise’s network. This Job Aide reviews the steps on how to log into SecureLink and connect to remote access.

Logging Into SecureLink

  1. Navigate to the SecureLink application:
  2. Your User ID and password information are provided separately. Enter your User ID into the User ID field and select Login.
  3. Enter your password into the password field and select Login.
  4. A Terms and Conditions window appears. Select the checkbox at the bottom, stating you accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Select Submit.

Connecting to a Remote Desktop

  1. From the SecureLink homepage, select the Applications tab from the top navigation panel.
  2. Under Applications, select Connect.
  3. The application will automatically download the required SecureLink Connection Manager plug-in file. Navigate to your Window’s Downloads Folder, or, select the Download icon in your webpage navigation bar to view the plug-in file.
  4. Double-click the downloaded file; this automatically opens the SecureLink Connection Manager.
  5. Under the Vendor Connection Form Information section, enter all required information. Required information is indicated with a red asterisk * icon beside the name of each field. This includes:
    1. Name
    2. Casino AZ Representative
    3. Reason for Connecting
  6. Select Submit.
  7. From your desired application, select Windows Remote Desktop Protocol to remote-access into the desktop/application.
  8. To disconnect remote access:
    1. Select the Start Menu and Sign Out of the desktop.
    2. Close the window by selecting the X in the upper right corner.


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