Background Information
This job aide explains how to view the Slots Tip Drop Report in UKG. This is a report that EAR (Enterprise Application Reports) creates based on the data within UKG. Data is updated by the IT Department every couple of hours, so it can take time for new changes to be reflected.
NOTE: If tip types are being changed within UKG, the IT Department MUST BE NOTIFIED. If not notified, the report will not be accurate.
Launching the Slots Tip Drop Report
- Navigate to your Desktop.
- Double-click the Slots Tip Drop shortcut on the Desktop screen.
- The report will open within a Google Chrome web browser.
Navigating the Slots Tip Drop Report
- There are many pages to the report. To flip through these pages, select the page arrow keys below the date fields.
- Within the main body of the report, there are several columns of specific kinds of data displayed. Types of data include:
- Property – this displays what property the data is for, whether that be Casino Arizona (CAZ) or Talking Stick Resort (TSR). The date below the property title displays the day the row is for.
- Shift – this displays the shift (day, swing, or grave) that data is for.
- Tips Counted – this displays the total tips counted for that specific shift in a dollar amount.
- Cage Tips – this displays the total tips earned for that specific shift in the Cage Department in a dollar amount.
- Slot Tips – this displays the total tips earned for that specific shift in the Slots Department in a dollar amount.
- Totals for Tips Counted, Cage Tips, and Slot Tips are located at the bottom of each column. This displays the total amount earned for all three shifts combined.
Important Notes - Slots Tip Drop Report Dates
- When the report runs, it defaults to the most current pay period that has not been closed out by the Finance Department.
- For example, today’s date is 02/06/2024. After opening the Slots Tip Report, the previous pay period displays as it has not been closed out by Finance.
- Once the Finance Department has closed the pay period, the report will then default to the next pay period dates.
- The dates of the report can be adjusted manually. To adjust the dates of the report:
- Select the Calendar icons beside Trans Date Start and/or Trans Date End fields at the top of the screen.
- Select desired date(s).
- Select View Report to generate a new report with those updated dates.
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