Outlook - Voting Buttons

Background Information

Voting buttons are a tool built into Outlook that helps manage messages that require a quick response.  Voting buttons can be added to any e-mail. The results of the vote can be tracked by the sender. This Job Aide outlines the steps for sending and tracking a message using Voting Buttons.

Adding a Voting Button to an Email

  1. Open a new e-mail message.
  2. Select Options tab.
  3. Select Use Voting Buttons. From the menu, select the desired voting response, or select Custom to create your own responses.
    1. OPTIONAL: If Custom option selected, the Message Options window opens. Type in desired response options in the field to the right of the Use voting buttons checkbox. Separate responses options with a semi-colon.
  4. Send the e-mail.


When you receive an e-mail that has a voting option, you will see the buttons at the top of the message. To send your vote:

  1. Select the desired voting response option.
  2. Choose the appropriate options when prompted how you want to respond to the message.
  3. Select OK. Your vote will automatically be routed to the sender.

Tracking Votes

Any responses received will include the voting option in the subject line of the e-mail along with the original subject. For example:

Original Message Subject:              Sample Response:

Lunch Tomorrow?                               No: Lunch Tomorrow?

The responses to a Vote can be tracked by following these steps:

  1. Locate the original e-mail in your Sent Items folder.
  2. Double-click to open the original e-mail.
  3. Select Tracking from the Show tab.
  4. Received responses are next to the recipient’s name column.


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