Background Information
Voting buttons are a tool built into Outlook that helps manage messages that require a quick response. Voting buttons can be added to any e-mail. The results of the vote can be tracked by the sender. This Job Aide outlines the steps for sending and tracking a message using Voting Buttons.
Adding a Voting Button to an Email
- Open a new e-mail message.
- Select Options tab.
- Select Use Voting Buttons. From the menu, select the desired voting response, or select Custom to create your own responses.
- OPTIONAL: If Custom option selected, the Message Options window opens. Type in desired response options in the field to the right of the Use voting buttons checkbox. Separate responses options with a semi-colon.
- Send the e-mail.
When you receive an e-mail that has a voting option, you will see the buttons at the top of the message. To send your vote:
- Select the desired voting response option.
- Choose the appropriate options when prompted how you want to respond to the message.
- Select OK. Your vote will automatically be routed to the sender.
Tracking Votes
Any responses received will include the voting option in the subject line of the e-mail along with the original subject. For example:
Original Message Subject: Sample Response:
Lunch Tomorrow? No: Lunch Tomorrow?
The responses to a Vote can be tracked by following these steps:
- Locate the original e-mail in your Sent Items folder.
- Double-click to open the original e-mail.
- Select Tracking from the Show tab.
- Received responses are next to the recipient’s name column.
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